Lewie Procter

Lewie Procter


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Lewie is a games industry veteran, having previously worked in Games Journalism, BizDev for digital games retail, and Sales for Games Services. He joined NSPCC in November 2023 in a key role. Since then, he’s executed on the NSPCC’s Game Safe Festival, the charity’s first step into the world of gaming, a week long series of in-person and livestreamed events, connecting with players, parents, educational professionals, games industry, Esports organizations and more. Going forward, he will be leading the NSPCC’s gaming strategy, focusing on both income generation and advancing the cause of child protection inside games. 

Lewie Procter is speaking at the following session/s

Putting Children First: Tackling Child Protection in Gaming

3:00pm - 3:45pm
Room 5

Everyone in the games space hopes that children can be kept as safe as possible when playing games, but in the fast moving world of gaming, it can be a challenge for developers, publishers and platforms to know how to best keep this priority at the forefront of their processes and decision making.

Bringing together a panel of folk from various areas of the games industry, join us for a discussion of some of the critical issues related to child safety in games. Exploring some of the experiences children face in online connected worlds, navigating the world of age ratings and parental controls, and discussing some ways the games industry can collectively do more to look after young players.

NSPCC has a wealth of expertise in child protection, and is constantly putting the voice of children as a key driver in how to advance the cause of child protection. But as we step into the world of gaming, we don’t have all the answers, and are keen to work in partnership with the games industry to collaborate on initiatives that can achieve as much impact as possible, as well as helping generate the funds for the charity to enable this important work.

Session Takeaway

  • A snapshot of some of the issues children face when gaming today, based on real NSPCC case studies.
  • An understanding of current child protection best practices used by games companies represented.
  • Ideas of how they can step up their approach to child protection in their own game projects.

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