Veronique Lallier

Veronique Lallier

Hi-Rez Studios

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A highly experienced Executive with a career spanning two decades, with prior positions in the world’s leading entertainment and videogames corporations including Rockstar, NCsoft, Warner Brothers and most recently Hi-Rez Studios in her career spanning 20+ years. Veronique has a deep knowledge and understanding of the global gaming market having assumed senior roles at prominent Eastern and Western studios. A leading executive in her field of video games studios operations, with a heavyweight publishing background, online games-as-a-service and the application of new media technologies and practices. Veronique is regularly consulted by industry bodies as an authority on the digital future of the gaming business, she had a long-standing role on the UKIE board and the BAFTA committee.

Veronique has prided herself in learning and continuously developing her skills, in no small part thanks to the amazing people and teams she counted herself lucky to encounter along the way. Veronique is currently working at Hi-Rez Studios as Chief operating officer overseeing global operations for Atlanta and Brighton based studios. After setting-up in early 2016 and expanding the European office from scratch for this Atlanta-based developer of popular online MOBA and shooter eSports titles including SMITE, Paladins and Rogue Company, she started the first development outside of the American HQ in 2019, Red Beard Game, studios which will launch their first title Divine KnockOut - DKO last year in December.

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