V Buckenham

V Buckenham


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V Buckenham is an internationally renowned game designer. She is most recently the creator of Downpour, a tool aiming to radically democratize game creation. She has designed mobile games at Niantic, boardgame hybrid games such as Beasts of Balance, and acclaimed indie narrative games such as Mutazione. She also founded, and helped curate, the annual games festival Now Play This.

V Buckenham is speaking at the following session/s

From “alt-ctrl” to Touch Screens: Designing for that Strange Lump in Your Pocket

3:00pm - 3:45pm
Room 2

I used to design games that used alternative controllers, and now I make apps for phones. And I find this is a useful perspective to bring to the design process - starting with the phone as an object you hold in your hand, and thinking about what actions feel pleasurable, what affordances it has, and how it exists within a social context.

In this talk, I'll go through some of these affordances, and talk about things we can learn about designing for phones, taking examples from my career making games such as the digital boardgame Beasts of Balance, prototyping at Niantic, and making my game creation app, Downpour.

Session Takeaway

  • How mobile design compares to designing for custom controllers
  • Techniques for validating mobile UX early on
  • How to design for in-person word of mouth

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