Simon Stevnhoved

Simon Stevnhoved

Massive Entertainment - A Ubisoft Studio

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Senior sound designer, Simon Stevnhoved, started his career in video game sound design working for EVE Online creators CCP Games in Reykjavik. He later joined CCPs London studio working on a number of unreleased titles, before taking a role at Massive Entertainment in Malmö, working on Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Simon Stevnhoved is speaking at the following session/s

Avatar: Frontiers of Sound Propagation

10:15am - 11:00am
Room 4

New gen consoles and modern GPU hardware have opened new opportunities for how sound propagation can be handled in games. In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, these new opportunities sent the sound crew on a journey to the realms of raytracing and voxelized path finding, towards the ultimate goal: a real-time propagation solution providing an obstruction and occlusion simulation that’s scalable, supports dynamic environments, uses existing data, requires no baking steps, no adding of rooms and portals, or tagging materials with absorption values. Spoiler alert: they did not quite get there! However, in this talk, two senior members of the audio team will present their intriguing and impressive final solution sharing what they learned along the way.

Session Takeaway

  • Hear how Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora utilizes GPU raytracing for sound propagation.
  • Learn how the team's understanding of obstruction, occlusion and attenuation changed through the development.
  • Gain insights into the iterative workflow between audio code and sound design.

Session speakers

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