Nigel Twumasi

Nigel Twumasi


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Nigel Twumasi is a former software engineer turned creative entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of mayamada, a brand that reaches across comics, video games and youth engagement. In 2019 Nigel was recognised as a member of the nationwide 56 Black Men campaign, and in 2023 he was appointed as a member of the London Mayor's Cultural Leadership Board and Children’s Media Conference Advisory Committee. Nigel is a keen advocate for diversity within creative industries and delivers creative workshops with young people to empower future generations everywhere. The team launched the "Do I Look Like A Gamer?" representation campaign in 2022 and continues to work with video games and other creative industries to challenge stereotypes and improve access for future generations of diverse talent.

Nigel Twumasi is speaking at the following session/s

Onboarding the Next Generation of Games Talent

11:15am - 12:00pm
Room 3

The first members of Generation Z are approaching working age, and Generation Alpha are not far behind. The video game industry must adapt to attract, develop, and retain these future generations who have different motivations, values, and expectations around work. Studios that don't evolve their talent strategies risk missing out on an incredible pool of diverse, creative thinkers.

We will explore how the industry currently engages with young talent and provide practical takeaways for teams looking to work with the next generation of video game professionals, including those who may be unsure about taking any early steps into a career in games.

The talk will be delivered by mayamada co-founder Nigel Twumasi, who will explore the strategies needed to understand these generations' values and provide meaningful development opportunities. He will provide insight from his experiences working with young people through mayamada’s youth workshop delivery and Showrunners Work Experience programme.

For over 7 years, they have worked with young people across creative industries and bring a deep understanding of what motivates young talent that video game leaders can apply to their team-building process. By better understanding what drives the next generation and effectively partnering with grassroots organisations, the games industry can build an ecosystem to nurture young diverse talent. This will help fuel innovation, improve games, and create more inclusive workplaces.

Ultimately, our industry benefits from the continued injection of fresh ideas and perspectives, and there is much we can learn from younger generations if we can better understand how to effectively engage with the workforce of the foreseeable future.

Session Takeaway

  • Identifying the hurdles to attracting and retaining Gen Z and Alpha talent to video game roles.
  • What young talent can bring to improve game development, and where they fall short.
  • Building the ecosystem: How to effectively partner with youth and grassroots organisations for a robust talent pipeline.
  • Practical steps both game studios and young developers can take today to cultivate an inclusive, diverse and creative work environment.

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Story x Story: Live from the Coast @ Develop:Brighton

1:00pm - 2:00pm
Room 3

Join the mayamada team at Develop:Brighton for a special live recording of the Story x Story Podcast! Hosted by mayamada Co-Founder Nigel Twumasi and Creative Director Tazziii, we're diving into the heart of the gaming industry. Attendees across the spectrum are invited, from aspiring professionals and freelancers to indie developers and AAA studios to share their stories, as well as best practices and initiatives for fostering a more inclusive gaming community.

Our aim is to complement the conference's objectives by providing a relaxed yet thought-provoking platform for meaningful conversations around the games industry. We will be looking to highlight the diverse perspectives present at the conference, raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities in promoting diversity within the industry, and inspire underrepresented groups to explore careers in gaming. If you want more of your voice to be represented in games, then don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation shaping the future of our industry.

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