Bjørn Jacobsen
Mainframe Industries / Cujo Sound

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Bjorn is the lead audio and solo sound designer at Mainframe Industries as well at his own studio Cujo Sound and runs an industry respected YouTube channel for Game Audio development under the same name; Cujo Sound.
Bjorn is a father of three girls, an avid golfer, the biggest Clown Core fan on the planet and according to his wife: Collector of too many records.
Over the course of his career he has been fortunate enough to work on titles and with studios such as PAX DEI, HITMAN by IO Interactive, Cyberpunk 2077 and Gwent by CD PROJEKT RED, EVE Online and EVE Valkyrie by CCP Games, Assassins Creed and The Settlers by Ubisoft, DARQ, Hostile Mars, Shrapnel, The Cycle: Frontier, The Ascent, Ostranauts, Pentiment, Panik Studio and several others.