Adam Niall Clewes-Boyne

Adam Niall Clewes-Boyne


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Adam is a talented games programmer and designer, as well as co-founder of BetaJester Ltd, an indie games and work-for-hire studio based in the UK. Alongside his extensive experience building innovative and engaging games across all genres, in his spare time he also reaches out to the industry by supporting and mentoring upcoming developers and students on their journey. He is also the founder of Playing Attention, the first group dedicated to supporting and raising awareness of ADHD in the UK games industry. Alongside these roles, he is also a committee member  for Limit Break, a co-founder of the IGDA Neurodivergent in Games SIG, and an ambassador for Safe In Our World.

Adam Niall Clewes-Boyne is speaking at the following session/s

Accessible Communication and Managing a Neuro-diverse Studio

12:00pm - 12:45pm
Room 5

With approximately 1 in 4 people in the games industry considered neurodivergent (UKIE Survey, 2022), almost every studio will have several employees whose needs and communication styles differ from the typical. That means all managers, producers, and studio heads need to be prepared to accommodate the needs of all their staff by being aware of the best methods and strategies to create a neuro-inclusive work environment. Drawing on his 9 years of experience of managing a majority neuro-divergent studio, as well being a founder of the IGDA Neurodivergent in Games SIG, running Playing Attention (which supports ADHD individuals in the games industry), and being part of the Limit Break committee (supporting accessibility), Adam will take you through some of the ways you can make your studio more inclusive, more accessible, and how you can improve communication with all of your employees, clients, and contractors, helping your studio become a more accommodating place for people to work and play.

Session Takeaway

  • Simple things to be aware of when communicating to employees that will make your studio more neuro-inclusive
  • Tactics for effective communication within your studio
  • Key things to look out for that could help you catch and clear up misunderstandings faster

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