Ryan Williams

Ryan Williams

Dambuster Studios

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Ryan Williams is a music composer and senior audio designer for Dambuster Studios. Apart from his contribution to SFX and cinematics, he is mostly known for his work on the Dead Island 2 soundtrack and gameplay score.

His lifelong love of all things horror has been a driving force behind his creative output. Ryan's passion for the undead began at a young age, when he was introduced to Sam Raimi’s seminal classic Evil Dead 2. This love of the undead has been a constant source of inspiration in his work, and it is evident in his work on Dead Island 2. 

Ryan joined Dambuster Studios in 2018 and since then has crafted a soundtrack to accompany the heady experience of zombie slaying through a blood-soaked Los Angeles. Just Like a bloodthirsty brain obsessed zombie, his hunger for creating immersive and infectious audio has oozed into every corner of the experience.

Ryan Williams is speaking at the following session/s

Elevating Diegetic Music – Tuning into Dead Island 2’s Identity

11:15am - 12:00pm
Room 4

Embark on an intriguing exploration of diegetic music through the lens of Dead Island 2 and its influences, as the Dambuster Audio team discuss evolving diegetic music beyond conventional boundaries. This often-untapped methodology is explored as they delve into creating unique cinematic moments, employing non-traditional implementation techniques, and collaborating across departments to achieve the standout moments of Dead Island 2.

Attendees are invited to unravel the concept of 'diegetic blurring' and its transformative impact on Dead Island 2's music design. Instances are explored where diegetic music seamlessly contributes to character development and enhances gameplay. Additionally, the team will share insights into using non-music technology to vividly depict the vibrant cultural environments.

The talk also touches on the practical aspects of production in diegetic music, from crafting bespoke assets to navigating the intricacies of working with licensed music. This is an insightful journey into the world of game diegesis, with practical learnings focused on increasing player immersion and drama, providing valuable takeaways for those eager to delve into the intricacies of diegetic soundscapes.

Session Takeaway

  • How to approach the creative decisions and production of diegetic music in new and exciting ways.
  • Implementation techniques that go beyond the normal radio/playlist approach and how these techniques inform the creative decisions.
  • Learn varied approaches to presenting diegetic music to the player that provide more bang for buck.
  • Insights into the developer experience of using licensed music, including the creative process and logistical implications.

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