Andrea Boo

Andrea Boo

Way Studio

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Boo is a cross-media director and producer. Her works include films, documentaries, immersive storytelling and games that focus on human-centric experiences for the betterment of relationships and well-being. She is a certified coach, mental health first-aider, and a digital media scholar from Singapore.

Andrea Boo is speaking at the following session/s

Empathy Through XR

3:00pm - 3:45pm
Room 3

How can the development of XR games open conversations around well-being, neurodiversity, and general human to human connection? The possibilities of immersion and embodiment brought about by XR games unlock whole new worlds for non-main stream games. This session explores these ideas and potential.

Sarah from Hatsumi has a body of virtual reality games that has a proven track record of positively impacting the mental health and well-being of individuals of a wide age range. Boo from Way Studio has been pioneering well-being mixed reality experiences, bridging co-production opportunities between Singapore and the UK.

Together, they will be sharing case studies of games they have made, the lessons learnt, and the processes of making these applications. They are hoping to find collaborators and partners who are also interested in exploring possible social prescribing models to further human relationships, understand human experience, and support community and connection, through making VR and MR games.

Session Takeaway

  • Exposure to wellbeing-centric VR and MR games
  • Impact of virtual reality and mixed reality games
  • Experience design notes when creating XR games

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